Wednesday, April 11, 2007

“YouTube has no ethics, it's been created for the sole purpose of entertainment and money.” Do you agree?

Firstly, I would like to define what is meant by ‘ethics’. The term ‘ethics’ is commonly referred to as a system of moral principles, or simply a set of principles of right conduct. Is it then true that YouTube has absolutely no ethics? For me, my answer would be no! YouTube is a communication network whereby people connect with each other or the general public through videos. Since we’re now in the media age where visual culture is dominating, its is flagrant that we communicate in a much better way through videos! Some people videotape themselves so that they can express their thoughts and emotions via actions or simply talking to the audience. YouTube also runs in such a way whereby viewers can post comments regarding any of the video clips posted. This is evidently another source of communication,

Some may argue that YouTube has been created for the sole purpose of entertainment and money. This is only partially true, as opposed by my first argument. Any website is a form of business whereby one of its aims is definitely to earn money. Is google not a website that earns mony? What about Yahoo!? All these websites are out to earn money as they are formed as a type of trade and business. But the creation YouTube is not simply just to earn money, it is also a great source of entertainment for many people. Many of the video clips uploaded in YouTube are simply music videos, movies, television drama series and other entertainment news clips. How much harm can such videos do? They are common sources of entertainment today! People need such entertainments for relaxing and pleasure during leisure times.

Hence, it is evident that YouTube is not unethical, neither is it a money-swallowing system. It is a popular source of entertainment and communication today. Without YouTube, people will lose an essential network for global communication.


At 8:39 AM, Blogger Jasmine said...

My sentiments too!
I think most of us can't 'survive' without YouTube. It has somehow become part of our lives already.
Anyway, nice job there! =)


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